Announce your report with ReportAlert

Announce your report to key stakeholders and CR opinion formers with ReportAlert stakeholder communications service. Enhance your visibility across the global CR community and maximize the return on your reporting investment.


Featured Report Profile Hosting on and
100+ CR and sustainability websites

Email & Newsletters

Dedicated email blast to 30,000+ subscribers
Newsletter distribution to 115,000+ subscribers to 3BL Media newsletters

Social Media

Social Media distribution reaching @ReportAlert, @3blmedia and @CSRwire Twitter followers
Expanded Social Media including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to more than 300,000 first level followers through 3BL Media social media handles and accounts

News Distribution

Top CR & Sustainability News Sites including and
Mainstream News Sites including Reuters, Bloomberg, Associated Press, Comtex and more.


Analytics & Tracking Report in pdf format with clicks, views and live links to your report announcement.
Mainstream News Sites including Reuters, Bloomberg, Associated Press, Comtex and more.

G&A Institute's GRI G4 Peer Benchmarking Report

In partnership with the Governance and Accountability Institute, this basic GRI G4 report will analyze your report and three selected peer companies for the disclosure levels on each GRI G4 Performance Indicators, Aspects and Categories. This report may be used to help prioritize on which aspects of reporting your company is lagging or leading in relation to your peers. It may also help with strategy setting and prioritization of future reporting disclosures.

* Priced Separately

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